social media

Discuss how this new phenomenon is affecting your life and the lives around you.

Each student must post at least 2 critical reflection on topic given (4%), 1 personal reflection on the media culture class (1%), over a period of 5 days to 7 days.

Critical Reflection on Social Media
  • social media has a definition that vary from one person to another based on what they use it for. in the video, it says that social media means new opportunities to create and communicate with people that care. one example of social media is social networking online sites. Facebook, Myspace and Friendster are some of the most popular social networking tools commonly used by people of all ages. with these websites, people can create their own personal profile, communicate with their friends and also make new friends. not only that, the people can also keep track on the current events that are happening around them and also the ones that are yet to come. i must admit that i, myself have indulge and still am indulging myself in this social networking thing. i have been a part of it since the first time i ever know how to use the internet. everyday, when i surf net, i am eager to know my friends's updates, what they have been up to, their new pictures and so on. to me, social networking or social media definitely revolves around information, communication and entertainment.
  • weblog, another form of social media, is said to be the 'It' thing now. as described by, a weblog or a blog is a website maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other materials such as graphics or videos. since a blog is the owner's own website, he/she is allowed to post just about anything to their own taste and liking. some people use blog to post about their lives (online diary). some, use blog to sell things like clothes, shoes and bags (online shopping). while others, use blog to express their thoughts and opinions on things such as politics. basically, blog is used in so many ways that sometimes we can't possibly think of. blogging sites such as blogspot, wordpress and livejournal, provide space for people to give their head a little peace of mind.

Personal Reflection on The Media Culture Class
this class has made me think and realize about things that i never thought i would think of if it wasn't because of the lecturers showing me what is suppose to be obvious. i never thought that media can manipulate us people up to that level. i mean, i always knew that there is something fishy behind these media stuff. but i never thought i was being used all this while. geniuses is what i call the people who create these things. i would like to know more about the 'behind-the-scene' of media. it intrigued me the first time. i hope it intrigue me more in the future.

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